Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What's wrong in voting for Sanjay Dutt?

Many of my young friends are big fans of Sanjay Dutt, especially those who are too young to know about Sanjay Dutt's checkered history. Therefore, recently, when I read in the Times of India, an article by Ram Jethmalani who represented Sanjay Dutt in the court case against him more than a decade back, I thought it is worthy enough to share with all my friends. This also serves as a grim reminder of what our country has been through due to Sanjay Dutt and other people like him.

Ram Jethmalani is a dear friend of the late Sunil Dutt, father of Sanjay Dutt. Therefore, it must have really taken a lot of mental courage to write such an article. I believe that those of us who truly understand his words and predicament will come to the right conclusion that we cannot accept Sanjay Dutt in our political arena.

Just because a lot of time has passed since the crimes committed by Sanjay Dutt (proven in the court of law) does not mean that he is eligible to run for elections. I call upon every responsible citizen of the country to first of all denounce his nomination to the party, but also vehemently oppose voting for him even if he stands for elections. In a country filled with corruption, he may still get to stand for elections, but it is our security and future at risk if we vote for him. They are not something that can be put at risk. This is what is wrong if we vote for Sanjay Dutt. If we had been more prudent over the years, Mumbai would not have seen this many bomb blasts and terror attacks. At least now, let's make the right choice.

Related links:
Sanjay Dutt does not deserve to be an MP: Jethmalani
9 Jan 2009, 2124 hrs IST, TNN

Why we should not vote for Sanjay
1 Feb 2009, 0058 hrs IST, Ram Jethmalani

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moral police infection spreads in India

The so-called moral policing is now spreading farther and wider across India, but unfortunately, we see that the media is already moving away from the subject. Today, there is a small report in "The Hindu," but the majority of the Indian newspapers have ignored this today.

By now, some of you may have heard that there was another attack in Haryana where a girl was beat up, but this time by a police officer!!!! The police officer's name is "Moola RAM." You can read the full story and also see a video of the incident here.

I would think that if everyone who has Ram in their names start thinking they are the moral police, Lord Ram himself has to come and save us from this onslaught. However, fortunately, we have some creative individuals like Nisha Susan battling the situation by sending pink underwear to Ram Sena. (Read full story by NPR here). Thanks to Nisha for reducing some of the workload and heartburn for Lord Ram!

We all know that the moral police are neither moral nor police! If anything they are far from being moral. Our father of India, Gandhi has taught us that the best way to fight people in power is with defiance and non-violent non-cooperation, much like what Nisha is doing. If we resort to these methods, I am sure that even a behemoth can be tamed and brought to its knees. In this case, Sri Ram Sena and others like them, may not actually be in power, but they seem to be backed by the government's inaction against their violence. So, let's keep our cool and use Gandhi's principles to fight this injustice. Ultimately, we will prevail.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

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The rise of Indiban - Taliban equivalent in India?

This morning I was reading the Indian Express online and found the disturbing headlines in the newspaper:

Moral policing: Girl commits suicide in Mangalore

Words cannot describe the horror that many Indian youth are going through right now. We are in the 21st century for god's sake and we have these kinds of atrocities going on in India! I am sure that many youth in India have their blood boiling at this.

For those of you who are not entirely familiar about this, recently, a religious group called the "Sri Ram Sene" went into a pub and beat up some girls and guys dancing just because they don't approve of girls dancing or drinking! Come on! What age are we living in? It is the right of every human being to have fun. Sure, I am a teetotaler myself, but that doesn't mean that I would like to curtail the rights of others. Who is this Ram sene to dictate what we should or should not do?

Regardless of what Ram sene does, the more disturbing part is that the Indian government is not doing anything about it. This inaction only bolsters these kinds of people. After the pub incident, when the government did not do anything to arrest these attackers, they started issuing warnings to anyone who would celebrate Valentine's day! When the government still did not do anything, they publicly issued a threat stating that they will beat up anyone who celebrates Valentine's day! The Government is still sleeping.

Valentine's day is not yet here, but you can already see other groups starting to harass girls and guys just for meeting! Unfortunately, now a girl has committed suicide after this. The father of the girl instead of blaming the fundamentalists, has registered a case against the person with whom the girl went to talk to. He alleges rape. Whether there really was rape or not, we may never know, but it is unfortunate that the girl had to die. I am sure there will be no investigation just like nothing has been done about Ram sene's threats so far, and I am sure that our society will continue to blame innocent young people who defy the norms of our society.

The only way to reverse this is to rebel against this and start demanding open mindedness not only from our own families, but also the government. As long as we vote based on religious ideals, we will never be able to change the system. These kinds of acts are only another way of building walls in our society and religions. Since when did a Hindu girl talking to a Muslim boy become a crime? Wake up fellow citizens! It is time to act and demand our government to open its eyes. Otherwise, we can only blame ourselves for the rise of Indiban (Indian Taliban.)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Any ideas

If any of you have any ideas for making this blog more interesting, feel free to let me know by commenting here.

Here is a link to a great video I saw recently... Hope you guys enjoy this.
Lesson learnt: Hardwork pays off. Seems very obvious, but not so obvious when you look at the big picture and trends. It is very easy to get confused and go off in different directions trying to find out the secret of success.

Starting a new chapter

I finally got tired of thinking about having my own blog and just went ahead and did it. Thanks to blogspot. I hope to write about various fields of my interest. Currently, I am interested in Indian politics, American Businesses and World Economy. As a child, I grew up with great interest in astronomy, psychology, biology and physics. So, don't be surprised, if ever I mention a few things about these fields :)