George Bernard Shaw said, “The minority is sometimes right; the majority always wrong.” Today, climate change protagonists are in the majority. If we really want to find out the truth, we should be paying careful attention to what the world's scientists are now talking about even if they do not hold the most popular view.
It has now surfaced that the whole theory of climate change was based on a sampling of just 3 trees. Tree ring data was used to determine temperature in the medieval times. It is widely known that temperature data cannot be truly ascertained from tree rings as it is not a reliable indicator of ambient temperature. To make it worse, it has now been revealed that they have cherry picked these trees and ignored a lot of other trees which did not support their pre-drawn conclusions.
The graph below (of course without the word "HOAX") is considered as a logo for climate change protagonists. Every time you see it, remember that it was created with only three tree cores and using tree ring data to determine temperatures which are not reliable to begin with.

This is a clear case of biased research for their own political or economic gains. In my view, it is one of the largest hoaxes perpetrated on humanity in recent times and one of the most heinous crimes. We ought to get to the bottom of this and ensure that whatever harm is already done is mitigated as much as possible.
This is my new year wish for 2010 -
I wish to live in a world that is based on trust and mutual respect for each other.
Facts mentioned in this article are based on the following article:
Climate change is certainly happening. But by sampling 3 trees is foolish. Recently while watching a TV show they were showing the Ice melting and also they informed that Fresh meat also emits heat radiation and one should become vegitarian. I have also read that paddy fields also emit radiation which is polluting the air and also involved in increase of temperature!!! What to believe and not is a great question.
ReplyDeleteTV shows are designed to cater to whatever the audiences already believe in. If the latest trend in the audience is belief in global warming, that's what they will try to show. However, they are not scientific studies. Perhaps we always had paddy fields emitting radiation. Perhaps their emitting radiation may not have anything to do with global warming. If every paddy field in the whole world is emitting radiation, then there can be some kind of reasonable trend happening. It is just like the 3 tree sample where it is not conclusive evidence of any long term trend. Our Earth has always been evolving. Millions of years ago, our Earth is supposed to have been one large land mass. Later the continents separated themselves. Now we may be noticing another movement of land masses. Whether it is global warming or not, Earth may be doing that regardless. The only point of this post is that there is no conclusive evidence that global warming is a long term trend. That doesn't negate the common sense that we should conserve energy, burn less fuel and so on, because it definitely makes economic sense.