A few months back I developed an overwhelming desire to help build a Krishna temple in Cincinnati. However, this is not an easy task as you all know. This caused a lot of frustration as I could not easily achieve it nor even knew where to begin.
A little bit of background about how this came about:
It has been my lifelong goal and ambition to read Bhagavad Gita, the ancient wisdom and science of the soul, spoken by Lord Krishna on a battle field more than 5000 years ago. Until recently, I have had several aborted attempts at reading this wonderful spiritual text. Now, finally, I have started reading it. I have not yet
completed it, but it has already started transforming my thinking and my life. Due to this and other spiritual advancements in my life, I developed this overwhelming desire to help build a temple in Cincinnati, OH where Bhagavad Gita will be spoken on a daily basis.
Once I had this desire, I started to figure out how to get this done. It is a herculean task and I felt perplexed and wondered what Krishna wanted me to do. No matter what I did, it seemed like it was just not good enough and I wasn't moving anywhere towards establishing a temple. I couldn't figure out what to do next. Finally, one evening, this desire was so overwhelming and it consumed me in its entirety that I could not focus on anything else. That evening, I kept thinking till late in the night on what I am supposed to do. However, there was no solution that seemed to come to me. At that point, I just sat down and told Krishna that I am not sure what you want me to do. It is your will. Please show me the way. Then, I went to bed. Although I went to bed, my mind seemed like it was racing with so many thoughts and Krishna seemed to be playing all night long in my mind. It didn't seem like I slept at all, although I seemed to be sleeping. By the morning, Krishna had completely painted a picture of what I am supposed to be doing. He had shown me the way! He had asked me to organize a Bhagavad Gita lecture on a grand scale in Cincinnati. I was so elated. I started this conversation with my friends and many of them came forward to help in organizing this event. As a result of all their efforts, this event has now come about. We are so excited at this.
I am now requesting every reader's help in making this a reality. Please spread this word. Call your friends and tell them about this event and ask them to come and have fun. I guarantee that the speaker and the kirtan will enrich the soul, the food will elate the stomach and Rebecca, the classical dancer will enthrall the audience. I humbly thank you for your help and look forward to seeing everyone there.
Facebook event page:
A little bit of background about how this came about:

completed it, but it has already started transforming my thinking and my life. Due to this and other spiritual advancements in my life, I developed this overwhelming desire to help build a temple in Cincinnati, OH where Bhagavad Gita will be spoken on a daily basis.
Once I had this desire, I started to figure out how to get this done. It is a herculean task and I felt perplexed and wondered what Krishna wanted me to do. No matter what I did, it seemed like it was just not good enough and I wasn't moving anywhere towards establishing a temple. I couldn't figure out what to do next. Finally, one evening, this desire was so overwhelming and it consumed me in its entirety that I could not focus on anything else. That evening, I kept thinking till late in the night on what I am supposed to do. However, there was no solution that seemed to come to me. At that point, I just sat down and told Krishna that I am not sure what you want me to do. It is your will. Please show me the way. Then, I went to bed. Although I went to bed, my mind seemed like it was racing with so many thoughts and Krishna seemed to be playing all night long in my mind. It didn't seem like I slept at all, although I seemed to be sleeping. By the morning, Krishna had completely painted a picture of what I am supposed to be doing. He had shown me the way! He had asked me to organize a Bhagavad Gita lecture on a grand scale in Cincinnati. I was so elated. I started this conversation with my friends and many of them came forward to help in organizing this event. As a result of all their efforts, this event has now come about. We are so excited at this.
I am now requesting every reader's help in making this a reality. Please spread this word. Call your friends and tell them about this event and ask them to come and have fun. I guarantee that the speaker and the kirtan will enrich the soul, the food will elate the stomach and Rebecca, the classical dancer will enthrall the audience. I humbly thank you for your help and look forward to seeing everyone there.
Facebook event page: