Imagine a little kid who wants to send a toy to his friend overseas. He ships it to his friend. The person who delivers it also takes video footage of the little boy who is so excited to receive the gift. The video footage is then sent back to the kid who mailed the package. You may be wondering which company is this that provides this level of service to its customers! Although, this is a real example, rest assured, there is no traditional shipping company that can provide such revolutionary results.
However, there is a new revolution that is happening in the shipping industry. No, it does not involve teleporting, hovercrafts or star trek's holodeck. This new revolution is called social shipping. It involves harnessing the power of our social network and applying it to a very simple concept in our life - moving things from one place to another. In the process, they will result in such revolutionary levels of service that is unparalleled in any public shipping company today.
From times immemorial, humanity has always had the need to ship goods from one place to another. We have evolved from horseback riding messengers to fedex planes. There is a new wave in the industry today called social shipping. Apparently, this evolution hasn't stopped yet. At the very core, social shipping involves using your social network to send goods from one place to another. It could be as simple as sending a highly valuable document such as a passport or sending a bicycle in the trunk of your car through a friend who just happens to be headed in that direction. For that service delivered by your friend, you are glad to compensate them.
One of the very first companies in this area is The above example of a boy shipping a toy was a real transaction that happened on enables their visitors to post their trips online and others can search to see who is going to a particular destination and if they have anything they can send; they can initiate a conversation and make it happen.
It might sound a little scary that you are sending goods through people you may not know, but if you really look at it, every friend began as a stranger. Social shipping websites are now competing to see who can figure out the best way to connect people with shipping needs and at the same time establish a high level of trust among their users. We have already seen that websites that arrange car pools, enable renting your couch etc. who deal with the same issue of trust have faced no problem. Today, there are millions of users at these kinds of websites actively participating and exchanging goods and services. So, it seems reasonable to say that it is only a matter of time that social shipping becomes a common phenomenon and sites like may thrive.