Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Barbaric Denmark Custom!

Denmark's Gruesome Festival: Mass Killing of Whales and Dolphins to prove Adulthood

This is the latest news making the rounds on the internet! Apparently, you have to kill a dolphin to enter adulthood in Denmark!

You don't see this horrendous news in the media. It is unbelievable.

For a full story, please visit this link:

A word of caution before you click the link. The images are gruesome and if you are weak hearted, you may want to skip the story.

Denmark’s Gruesome Festival: Mass Killing of Whales and Dolphins To Prove Adulthood

Best money I ever spent

If you have been following my blog posts about my contests at Table Topics, here is the final one. I competed at the Division level. The question posted was - "What is the best $100 you have ever spent?" Pretty easy question, yeah? But you can still be amazed how well people can screw up in front of a big group of audience. You have less than 5 seconds to think about it as you walk up to the audience and smile and greet them, but that 5 seconds coming up with a great example defines how well you respond! Here is my video of the speech. I won't give you the results :) You will have to watch the end of the video to see what happened.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Customer Service Online? What's that?

Today, in the online business world, customer service is almost forgotten. Traditional business models have always emphasized customer service and rightfully so. But when it comes to customer service in online shopping, we don't see it much. All of us have experienced the situation where we have a hundred questions about the product we are trying to buy, but information is hard to find on any website. Sometimes, you end up going to the local store just because you can talk to a customer service rep. Recently, I had the opportunity to give a short talk regarding this. I hope you enjoy watching it as well. As usual, any comments are most welcome (both good and bad.)